Friday, October 13, 2006

appologies some of you may have seen some of theese before a few photos (sadly not mine still having upoading issues) to give you the flavour of the place

theyre building this stuff at the bottom of my road (2 mins walk!)

as you can see the theem of large public silly object continues

the corniche - the bay which doha is centered

the money - which hopefully i will be earning lots of.

a typical road scene
more large silly public objects

last silly object for today i promise

finaly the main mosque

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All sounds super exciting Mojo, glad to hear things are starting to come together after only a week!

Have a drink by the pool for me, it's a lovely sunny cold day here in London, nothing planned for the weekend but I'm thinking a boat trip to Greenwich may be in order at some point, I fancy a bit of countryside (well, sort of countrytside!)

Take it easy!

Fish x