Friday, May 04, 2007

the AACS posturing has started.

BBC Interview with chair of the AACS business group

"This is the first round and will not be the last," - Michael Ayers

you are right Mr Ayers but how are you going to sue 800,000+ people?

Ayers said tracking down everyone who had published the keys was a "resource intensive exercise".

no shit!

lets face it Mr Ayers this gene is out of the bottle, and your army of lawyers isnt going to put it back in,

DOOM 9.Org - Geremia

well another HD-DVD AACS crack/hack to the authentication system has appeared on the uber geeky video forum doom9 - this time the codes there coming up with seem irrevocable.

'In addition to being irrevocable, the hack has the potential to make future decryption even easier. "This hack/technique enables us to figure out how the Volume ID is stored on the disc," arnezami explained. "It's very possible we would figure out [...] how the KCD is stored on the disc. Knowing that and being able to teach a PC drive how to read a KCD will open the door for what I called third-generation decryption' - from doom9

diag. below for those interested

this is battle line 2.0 for the battle of web 2.0 for the anti DRM geek possee - beleive me this time around the battle is going to be harder fight. the AACS will not take this sitting down - this is the end of the line for HD-DVD's copy protection, once this one is out the bag, there is no going back to copy protected HD-DVD, weather it constitutes the dath of the media or it constitutes a victory over Blue-ray because of the increace in sales only time will tell, well the revolution is comming - the baricades are going up, windows nailed shut against the oncoming storm, well lets watch this one as the civil war comes through town.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

US Army Kills Soldiers Blogs:

Military officials have been wrestling for years with how to handle troops who publish blogs. Officers have weighed the need for wartime discretion against the opportunities for the public to personally connect with some of the most effective advocates for the operations in Afghanistan and Iraq -- the troops themselves. The secret-keepers have generally won the argument, and the once-permissive atmosphere has slowly grown more tightly regulated. Soldier-bloggers have dropped offline as a result. - from defence Tech -

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Blog Meta: this blog just got its first hit from the magic number!
HD-DVD Code On BoingBoing
even pirate bay is at it!

is this the new mayday riots? remember the Reclaim the streets, WTO, london, seattle all in the late 90's?
the digital skys are burning: here i am watching the first firefight of the digital revolution, some places declairing themselves as digital enclaves, siding with the geeks the nerds and the righteous, other side siding with the lawyers The MPAA & DMCA,

The battle lines were drawn on mayday a traditional day for the workers and the prolitariat, im wondering if it was deliberate or one of those beautiful forms of synchronicity?

I have the feeling this is going to make or break a number of web 2.0 companies, depending on how they respond to the situation, there buisness is dependent on commons based peer production - if they screw the users - pop goes their busness
wordpress: shame on you
Strike that wikipedia quote earlier - they have blocked the number from searches - not cool - do the right thing jimmy whale - unblock the magic numbers

icanhazcheezburger -HD-DVD code already been done - LoLcats already breakin the law

Its all going mad: the revolution has come, Web 2.0's first battleground - the geeks are kicking back at The DMCA & copyrights, well if there going to take us down they take us all down - information needs to be free.

Digg was shut down over this, and is back up again,

The code that alows the breaking of HD-DVD's Encryption

But now, after seeing hundreds of stories and reading thousands of comments, you've made it clear. You'd rather see Digg go down fighting than bow down to a bigger company. We hear you, and effective immediately we won't delete stories or comments containing the code and will deal with whatever the consequences might be. Kevin -

Appologies to people who dont understand this but its something i feel is very important and i feel very strongly about, and have preached about for years. you can not keep honest users honest, and anyone out there with one ounce of technical nounce knows how to get media that isnt crippled with DRM - to quote the emitable Cory Doctorow - i didnt wake up this morning asking i want my MP3 player to do less, i fundamentaly beleive the times are changing, with the rise of Web2.0 & commons based peer production is changing the way we live, Wikipedia is a classic case 50 years ago no one would have beleived that in the last years of the 20th centuary that a group of unpaid disparate people would create an entire encyclopedia having never met in the real world.

i spend my life fighting against rediculous systems of anti piracy measures, the tyranny of large old megacorps trying to impress on us that their 20'th centuary paradime was best.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Bad to worse:
from the peninsular • A higher criminal court yesterday sentenced a 43-year-old Qatari national to death after he was found guilty of having sexual relations with his daughter, a 14-year-old girl. Taking a serious view of the offence, the court in its verdict said the convict must face the firing squad.

Moral issues of Paedophilla aside (personaly i find it abhorrent) Death sentances should NEVER be handed out - but the baying for blood out here is plain wrong.
Bad to worse:
from the peninsular • A higher criminal court yesterday sentenced a 43-year-old Qatari national to death after he was found guilty of having sexual relations with his daughter, a 14-year-old girl. Taking a serious view of the offence, the court in its verdict said the convict must face the firing squad.

Moral issues of Paedophilla aside (personaly i find it abhorrent) Death sentances should NEVER be handed out - but the baying for blood out here is plain wrong.

Doha Driving - this is what happend on the roads out here - rember kids this could be your mercedes!