what ive been reading:
The 10cent plague: a romp through the history of the american comic industry and the faux morality thrown at it by the mothers & church groups of the mid-west.facinating read both on the history of comics and morality of the mid-west.
In Athena's Camp; preparing for warfare in the information age: origionaly prepared for the Rand Institute & the Secratary of defence; a dry but worthy tombe on the changes to military afairs when ever informational systems change, rangiong from genghis khan through napolian to the gulf war, a read for those interested in how information changes things - in this case warfare.
Video over IP, a practical guide: typical focal press textbook, its like fiber flakes, its dull dry and very chewey, but ultimatley good for you.

Strange Attractor Journal Three: Whimsical and facinating collection of journalistic articles from the fringes, everything from zootoxins & psychodelics, to recountings of travels to balanese transvestite festivals. - good stuff.
Clotilde's Edible Adventures in Paris: ecelent foodie book on paris, havnt been for a while but will be packing it when i get there.

The Gunslinger Born (The Dark Tower Graphic Novel); my obsession with the dark tower septet is known, good adaptation in graphic novel form. nuff said
DMZ Vol. 4: Friendly Fire - darker and moodier than previous versions. god its good.